Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jasswin's magic drink

Just wanna to share out my own magic drink..
I think is few years back when i worked in Singapore, and I had a terrible week due to constipation and feel heaty internally. I try a lot of methods and even drink a lot of Chinese Bitter Tea 苦茶... doesn't help much..

Actually i like to eat sour plum 酸梅, especially in front of TV. Suddenly, i feel wanna to make a cool drink (a BIG one), but i don't have the lime 桔子, so can't mix with sour plum..
Then i try this.. my first magic drink, very SIMPLE

- put the warm water in a BIG mug
- put 1 1/2 x table spoon of salt
- put 3 x sour plum
- put 4 x pieces of PRUNE IN BRINE 汕头咸水梅 with 4 x table spoon of prune water
- put the ice-cude
- stir with the spoon

I remember less than an hour after i took my magic drink then go to washroom... since then, i will take this when i need it.. :)

I am not sure this work for everyone or not, but i did share with few of my friends and looks it works. Some of them need to take 2 or 3 mugs till they can go to washroom. But is not everyone like that STRONG taste..

I wanna to make my magic drink now.. i like it so much and really enjoy it.. :)