Saturday, May 2, 2009

Discussion with Dante 与但丁讨论神曲

Discussion with Dante” was jointly paint by Dai Dudu, Li Tiezi and Zhang Anjun. 油画《与但丁讨论神曲》是著名油画家 戴都都李铁子张安君 新近创作的巨作.

I like this incredible art and you can view the 103 name of the person thru this website:

Imagine if someone to invite the world’s most famous people of all time, all together for a portrait photo .. 毛泽东 and 林肯 on same table, 邓小平 and 蒋介石 on same table, 宾拉登 behind 布什, 成吉思汗 and 拿破仑 齐駒, typewriter in front of 李白, 猫王 play guitar, 李小龙, 【12.88】... background has the 'Great Wall of China’ 万里长城, 'Pyramid of Giza' 金字塔, etc..

Wow, there are a lot things you can find from this picture.. even the 戴都都、李铁子、张安君 in the picture too .. :)