Saturday, March 21, 2020

Boost the Immune System

Keep this short and as a reference to boost the immune system, and improve health especially during this time (Flu, cold, corona virus, etc). Most common foods or supplements that you can get easily.

1. Turmeric

  • with curcumin - help on immunomodulating, depression, fight cancer, memory, etc

2. Garlic

  • with allicin - help on immune function, lower blood pressure, heart disease risk, menthal health, etc
3. Green tea
  • with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) or catechins - help on immune function, may kill influenza viruses, reduce stress, etc
4. Ginger
  • with capsaicin - help on immune system, sore throat, decrease nausea, chronic pain, may kill cold viruses, curb runny nose

5. Foods or Supplements with Vitamin C plus Zinc

  • Vitamin C
    • like antioxidant - help on immune system, protect cells, make more collagen, absorption of iron, etc
  • Zinc
    • help on carbohydrate metabolism, natural resistance, keep immune system strong to fight bacteria and viruses, used for most popular treatment for common cold, etc
In addition, do you own research and have it within daily amount. Always wash your hand. Drink more water. Take care.