Saturday, July 25, 2009

10 Seconds Mood Change using Fragrances

You may not know that the fragrances can change our mood in 10 seconds, and there are some tips to share with you to use various scents for your good advantage and make you feel better anytime anywhere.




If you have night sleep problem, then the smell of lavender can help you on this problem to relax your mind. Even the smell of lavender can help you for your cranky baby to settle down after take a warm bath with the lavender soap. Lavender even can make your partner feel comfort during your personal time.




This definitely will help you especially every Monday (1st day back to office to work) for a week, as Mint can boost our performance on any work related tasks. Like the peppermint (kind of Arousing fragrances) will increase alertness and increase productivity.




If you want to stimulate yourself to start of the day, then you can use the citrus as it can refresh your mind and the citrus scents like oranges and lemon.



Floral scents

This is really good for us when try to share the idea with someone (example our boss), and try to make him or her to concentrate on the discussion. Floral scents always is our best choice during this time.




We all know that the Vanilla used to reduce the startle reflex and to relieve stress and anxiety. Spray on some vanilla fragrance before exam, training, project deployment, presentation or meeting.



Coffee Seeds

Every time you smell and drink the coffee, then you may feel at home. Most of the people drink coffee to make him or her feel better for another an hour to do extra work, but actually the smell of coffee can always remind you of home when your travel to other places.




Liquorices (Licorice) have been proved to stimulate lactation in nursing mothers and to also lessen pain.People use it as a calming agent, an aphrodisiac, as well as to promote a restful sleep.


So at least now you know how to choose the right scents as your fragrances during the right time. Sometime you really need the fragrances to change your mood and make you feel better to get your life better. Most of the people are using the perfume or Spa for relaxation or make them refresh and be more confident and attractive!


Mood Change! Look Change! Life Change!