Wednesday, April 29, 2009


妈妈问小明:“Yesterday night, 你睡的好不好?”


妈妈: “小明, How to explain 分担痛苦?”
小明:“妈妈, If 爸爸打我, 我就打弟弟!”


妈妈:“笨蛋, 死记就是死记硬背, 不懂灵活运用,懂吗?”

小明: “。。。”

Monday, April 27, 2009

Simple steps to remove the warts, moles, and skin tags naturally

So let’s get started!

Step 1 : “Get it checked out”
As with any ailment or disorder in the body, it is very important to have a trained health care professional assess your specific problem. Have them first verify that your skin growth is benign.

Step 2 : “Get bloodroot salve”
Once you are certain that it is not a malignant skin growth, you need to get an herbal compound called “bloodroot salve”. The world renowned MD, Dr Andrew Weil says this about bloodroot;“…one alternative to these procedures that I can suggest is using bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), a small woodland herb that grows in the north central United States and Canada. The red juice from the root is poisonous when taken internally, but used externally has a unique ability to dissolve abnormal growth without disturbing normal tissue.”A quality source for bloodroot salve can be found at this site: Salve, Bloodroot Formulas, Lugol's Iodine and Old Amish Dewormer

Step 3 : “Apply the bloodroot”
Using a Q-tip or your pinky finger, apply enough bloodroot to cover the wart, mole, or skin tag you want to get rid of. Once the spot is well covered, apply a bandage over it so that the bloodroot is not wiped off.

Step 4 : “Check the area and re-apply if needed”
Every two days, remove the bandage, apply fresh bloodroot, and put a new bandage on. This will ensure that there is a sufficient concentration of the Bloodroot working on the spot.

Step 5 : “Repeat process until it’s gone”
Repeat this two day cycle until the wart, mole, or skin tag has receded to the same level as the surrounding skin. Typically you will see results within the first week, and rarely does it take greater than a month for the entire process to be completed.

This 5 steps will save you a lot of time, money, and aggravation, so start today and rid yourself of those annoying and unsightly growths!

Articles by Thomas Von Ohlen, MS.


Mum scold Siow Meng: "Did you hit Alex's eye?"
Siow Meng: "Yes, I did... but... actually i want to hit his nose..."

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When is your Birthday?

One day, the teacher asked Siow Meng: "When is your Birthday?"
Siow Meng said: "3rd May"
Teacher asked: "Which year?"
Siow Meng said: "Every year, Sir.."

Friday, April 24, 2009

How to explain to my 2 1/2 year old!!!!!

Today when i pick my Jo from her school she talk and talk non stop.
Then she suddenly said my friend (a boy) have a tail.
I said we human got no tail only animals got tail.
But she insist that he have a tail!!!

I said ok tell me where is his tail.
She point to her private part.
I nearly fall off my chair and i laugh like crazy.
What in the world that make her think that is a tail.

Now can anyone tell me how to explain this to a 2 1/2 year old?
I tell her that is a tool for male to pee pee and we female have different tool to pee pee.
Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
I really don't know how to explain to her. :(

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What if u don't have CASH!!!!

Tonight we have dinner at Sushi King. We order quite a lot of things. Jasswin order green soy bean. He gave it to Jo and she love it so much and up we take another plate. I can't believe that she love the green soy bean so much.

After dinner we went to the counter and pay for the bill.
The lady said that the credit card machine is out of order. Have to pay by CASH!!!! And our bill total RM100.80. What if we don't have so much cash in our wallet? :O LUCKILY he have the cash. Wheeeeew......

If we happen to don't have cash what will happen? Then me and Jasswin mah have to go to the kitchen and wash up all the things!!! :O

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jasswin's magic drink

Just wanna to share out my own magic drink..
I think is few years back when i worked in Singapore, and I had a terrible week due to constipation and feel heaty internally. I try a lot of methods and even drink a lot of Chinese Bitter Tea 苦茶... doesn't help much..

Actually i like to eat sour plum 酸梅, especially in front of TV. Suddenly, i feel wanna to make a cool drink (a BIG one), but i don't have the lime 桔子, so can't mix with sour plum..
Then i try this.. my first magic drink, very SIMPLE

- put the warm water in a BIG mug
- put 1 1/2 x table spoon of salt
- put 3 x sour plum
- put 4 x pieces of PRUNE IN BRINE 汕头咸水梅 with 4 x table spoon of prune water
- put the ice-cude
- stir with the spoon

I remember less than an hour after i took my magic drink then go to washroom... since then, i will take this when i need it.. :)

I am not sure this work for everyone or not, but i did share with few of my friends and looks it works. Some of them need to take 2 or 3 mugs till they can go to washroom. But is not everyone like that STRONG taste..

I wanna to make my magic drink now.. i like it so much and really enjoy it.. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Can you believe it from a 2 1/2 years old!

This is really hilarious.
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old.
Before she sleep i usually ask her to say goodnight to her daddy and kiss goodnight.
But today it's really hilarious. Below is the conversation.

Mummy: Say goodnight to daddy
Jo: Goodnight daddy; I love you but i don't want to kiss u.

I laugh like crazy and she did too but her daddy pretend to be sad and turn away and she quickly go to her daddy and kiss him goodnight.

High Cholesterol to Healthy Heart

Today, we all know that getting more people has heart disease, and although some of the expect mention that lower down the Cholesterol level is NOT the KEY to have a healthy heart, but if you have high Cholesterol then you better start worry about your health. To lower our risks of getting a heart disease, here are few things you need to know and keep yourself have a healthy heart.

  • Dope down your Cholesterol
A healthy Cholesterol level is one that's below 200mg/dl or 5.2mmol/l; with LDL levels lower than 130mg/dl or 3.4mmol/l, and HDL levels over 40mg/dl or 1mmol/l. To lower LDL, a change in diet recipes and medication may be recommended, while exercise will help raise HDL. The grape skins used to make red wine contain the antioxidant resveratrol, which may help prevent blood clots and keep vessels flexible. Suggest one glass of red wine every other day.
  • Try to Quit Smoking
There is no question that smoking is detrimental to healthy heart. There are a lot of toxins in cigarettes, including carbon monoxide and nicotine, which cause endothelial dysfunction or damage to the inner lining of the blood vessel or artery walls.
  • Statin (Drug) to control Cholesterol
In cases of high Cholesterol and when a change in diet recipes and exercise may not be enough to help, then sometime doctor may suggest cholesterol-lowering medication, know as statin. This will help to keep the liver from producing too much Cholesterol. It may reduce LDL by as much as 40 percent, raise HDL levels slightly and reduce heart attack risk by around 35 percent.
  • Take more Fish
Some research show that main cause of high Cholesterol is eating a diet high in saturated fats (fats from animal foods), and recommend having fish at least twice a week to cut down on saturated fat and Cholesterol intake. Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve blood circulation; increase the breakdown of a clot-forming factor, fibrin; lower blood pressure; and reduce triglyceride levels.
  • Adopt a basis Diet Recipes Principle
You can try to adopt a healthy heart diet recipes in below way:
3 Highs
- Consuming plenty of fruit, vegetables, soy products and legumes. Those colourful goodies also provide vitamins and antioxidants.
5 Lows
- Choose the foods that are LOW in fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar and alcohol.
70 Percent Full
- Stop eating when you feel 70 percent full or have small, frequent meals instead of three heavy meals.

"THE GREAT CHOLESTEROL LIE" that show why inflammation kills and the real cure for heart disease by Dr. DWIGHT LUNDELL. Some of the people shared they experience that if follow the instruction then they really get a better life, minimize the risk for heart disease and get control on your Cholesterol.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Simple Tips To Save Money

Here are some fuss-free ways to save your money, and especially getting more people worried about the economic slowdown.

- Car pool whenever possible, you will see after a month and keep more money

- Use the fan rather than air-conditioner, you will notice it you save more money when the bill come

- Divide the housework without a maid, because the maid cost you a lot of money

- Pack food from home

- Have weekend cookouts

- Leave your credit card at home and stick to cash, and make a shopping list

- Keep track of all claimable expenses

- Each time reward yourself by putting $10 into 'Reward Box' or 'Piggy Bank'

- Filling petrol in the morning and full-tank of petrol to save additional trip

- Get a part-time job, or build an online business (i.e PayPal) with minimum / zero cost

- Pay bills online

- Ask for a discount, or get a membership card where can get discount, gifts and special promotion

- The latest may not be the best (check with friend or Internet sources before buying a new things)

- Try it before you buy it (i.e. Clothes)

- Plan your appointments during off-peak times and slot in few at the same area on one day

- Pay off your mortgage faster

- Separate your banks accounts for savings, bills , and daily expenses

- Buy, don't rent property if capable

- Get an investment-linked insurance policy

- Buy in bulk (i.e. milk powder) and make sure store perishable goods carefully

- Look out for cheap airfares and may consider to take a connecting flight with planned right season

- Don't use your mobile unless necessary when travel

- Exercise regularly and have a healthy diet

- Plan an amount to save each day, and stick to it. When you earn more, increase your savings too

You can get a financial adviser to provide you a detail plan based on your situation.

Home - How Safe?

When it comes to safety at home, especially who are not stay in a protected zone. There are plenty of things that you can do and it may minimize the opportunity of someone entering your home.

Idea 1: Remember to lock your doors and windows
The most important keep the door locked even you're at home. Don't presume that daylight means you're at less risk.

Idea 2: Keep valuables out of view of glass
This is to reducing motivation for offenders to commit crime.

Idea 3: Set the emergency numbers on speed dial
It can save time when you hear an intruder in the house.

Idea 4: Don't make safety presumptions
If you're in a group house, don't presume that friends of friends can be trusted. Lock your own bathroom or bedroom when are not around.

Idea 5: Try to avoid confronting an intruder
If you're think someone is in your house, don' go in alone. You can go to a neighbor's house or call the police.

Idea 6: Put the locks on your mailbox
A stranger can learn your name from your letters.

Idea 7: Change your facebook or public online content
Don't forget to keep security in mind even on the Internet and don't give out too much personal information.

Idea 8: Don't let strangers in
The bottom line is that you should never let a stranger in your house. Even a stranger says their car has broken down, then tell them you will call someone to come help but don't let them in.

In short, you need to be safety conscious whether you're leaving from somewhere at night and on the way home. If a stranger is threatening your safety and you can see you'll have trouble getting a way, try to stun the stranger before making a run and scream 'Help, it's on fire!".

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Relaxation | 放松身心


练习放松身心, 疏解压力,滋养心灵

1. 要营造一個温暖、舒适、放松、不受外界干扰、光线微暗的环境与气氛;躺下进行要比坐着更好;衣着则要尽量宽松;最好不要在空腹时、饱餐后一小时内,或沐浴后三十分钟內进行,以避免生理上的干扰。

2. 轻轻闭上眼睛, 做几个深呼吸, 让每一次的呼吸, 带你进入更深沉, 更深沉的放松状态。。

3. 把注意力放在呼(吐)气上,去感觉空气流出你的鼻腔. 每一次呼(吐)气,都将兴奋,紧张情绪与压力释放出來, 就像要排出体内的废物的感觉.你进入了更深沉、更深沉的放松状态。。

4. 把注意力放在吸气上,去感觉空气进入鼻腔.每一次吸气,就像要从空气中吸收特定的能量一样, 让身体的每一个细胞都被神奇的养分充满。。

5. 去感觉你全身的每一部分,你会发现它们的力量快速的消失,变得很松弛, 感觉就越沉重。 整个左脚, 右脚, 臀部, 腹部, 腰部, 背部, 胸部, 左手, 右手, 脖子, 头部,全身力量消失了。。

6. 幻想有一道白色的光束,从你头部正中方处直射下来,穿透了皮肤,充满了你的头部,胸部, 逐渐笼罩着你全身, 充满了生命力。。

7. 记接下来的十分钟里,使你的身心产生了美妙的转变,一切都会以对你最有益的方式发生。。

8. 开始清醒过来, 越来越清醒,身体感觉很温暖, 迎接全新的自己, 睁开眼睛。


Relaxation! 放松身心!

My first blog

It's so easy now to start a blog compare to last time.
Am thinking what to write but nothing come to my mind now......
Maybe too tired and my first time blogging.
I'll try again tomorrow...
lets watch the chinese movie - 18 Shaolin Golden Boys..